Q. What kind of food do I feed my puppy?
A. We recommend that you feed the puppy "Purina Puppy Chow" for the first 2 weeks,
then if you want to change to another brand to do it SLOWLY.
Q. How many times a day do I feed my puppy?
A. We recommend that you feed your puppy twice a day, they seem to do very well that way.
Q. How much should I feed my puppy?
A. We recommend that you feed the puppy by following the directions on the back of the puppy chow bag.
Q. Should I add anything to my puppies food, like milk, cottage cheese, or eggs?
A. NO! We do not recommend adding anything except water.
Q. How should I housebreak my puppy?
A. We recommend that you use the crate method.
Q. What do I need to buy for my new puppy?
A. You will need a bowl for water & food, a nylon expandable or leather collar & leash. Do not leave a choke collar on your puppy, it is only used for training purposes. A soft lambs wool toy, a tennis ball, a rawhide either tied in knots on the ends or twisted like a pretzel. And a crate for sleeping.
Q. Should I take my puppy to the Vet right away after getting it?
A. Yes, we require that you take it to the Vet within 48 hrs. Please remember that every sick dog in the county goes to the vet and as much as they try to keep things clean, they do not scrub in between every patient. So carry a small puppy in your lap or in it's crate and do not air your puppy on their grounds.
Q. How do I find a vet?
A. The best way is to ask someone you know in the neighborhood that has a dog, what vet they use.
Q. What if I think my Vet has made a misdiagnosis?
A. Either get a second opinion or you can call us for advice.
Q. What if I think my vet bill is too high?
A. Unfortunately there is no regulation on what vet's charge, and it varies greatly. Your only option is to tell the vet and then get a new one.
Q. What vaccinations have my puppy had?
A. In your packet of information look on your shot record. Please take the shot record with you to the vet.
Q. What about vaccines?
A. Please remember that vaccines don't take effect the day you give them. With some you need multiple vaccinations to reach full strength. So don't take your puppy any where he might encounter a sick dog: Pet Smart, Dog parks, Puppy training classes, or anywhere lots of dogs go.
Q. When should I give my puppy a bath?
A. Golden Retrievers have hair similar to ours. We recommend every 3 weeks. Use a dog shampoo & cream rinse. Towel dry & groom.